The shooting of Salman Khan’s Bollywood film Tiger Zinda Hai is currently underway in Abu Dhabi. The film directed by Sultan fame Ali Abbas Zafar features Katrina Kaif opposite him. On Tuesday morning, Salman Khan took a break from the film shooting to promote his Eid release Tubelight in Dubai. The Bollywood superstar was accompanied by his brother and co-actor of the film Sohail Khan and director Kabir Khan.
When asked how would he look up to Malayalam films having acted in remakes of Malayalam blockbusters directed by Priyadarshan and Siddique, Salman said “Both the films that I have done with them are Malayalam remakes, Bodyguard (Bodyguard in Malayalam) and Kyon Ki (Thalavattam in Malayalam). So, there you go”.
Also, when asked about Malayalam films he has watched recently, Salman khan said he wants to watch Malayalam superstar Mohanlal’s 2016 blockbuster Pulimurugan. He said: “I am going to watch a movie, which Mohanlal has just done, which is very hit. Pulimurugan! That one I want to watch. I also heard it’s the first Rs. 150 crore blockbuster in Malayalam film industry. I am trying to track down Siddique, I don’t know where he is.”
Also read: Mohanlal’s Pulimurugan completes 200 theatrical days, the Tamil 3D version releases on 19 May
Upon its UAE release, Pulimurugan broken Salman Khan’s Bajrangi Bhaijaan‘s record to become the third most run film in UAE. Bajrangi Bhaijaan ran for over 75-theatrical days at the UAE Box Office, while the Lalettan blockbuster had run for 98 days at the UAE Box Office.
Interestingly, Mohanlal’s 2013 film Drishyam still holds the top spot of the highest running film in UAE with 125 theatrical days followed by the 1996 Leonardo Dicaprio-Kate Winslet’s starrer Titanic with 110 days.
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