Actor Neil Nitin Mukesh is going to be hitched soon. In a private ceremony on Tuesday, 11 October, the actor got engaged to Rukmini Sahay who works in the aviation industry and is quite close to Neil’s family. The actor’s friends and relatives, who were present during the ceremony, took to their respective social media accounts to reveal the news to the world. Neil’s confirmation of the news came in from his retweeted post of a news portal.
The wedding is set to be organised next year, the couple, as we have learned, is an arranged match. Neil’s parents had played the cupid here and introduced the girl to him. The two then remained in a courtship for a month before getting engaged on Dusshera. While Rukmini belongs to the aviation industry, her interest areas are environment and education. The beautiful woman has completed her studies from Aurangabad and is now well-settled in her life.
Neil’s parents are perfectly in awe of their would-be daughter-in-law. According to the actor’s father and singer Nitin Mukesh, Neil could not have gotten a better woman than Rukmini in his life. The veteran also says that the lady is extremely poised and beautiful in every sense. He also adds that Rukmini reflects all the values and traditions that Neil has been raised with.
Also read: Neil Nitin Mukesh is engaged, marriage next year; details inside
Mentioning how Neil’s idea of marriage is completely ‘old school’, father Nitin Mukesh said that his son believes in the institution of marriage and they were very glad when he left the decision of his marriage on them.
As the news broke in, Neil Nitin Mukesh started trending on Twitter. And people have gathered their old jokes on the actor to troll him once again. Here follow a few ones:
Neil Nitin Mukesh says the dialogue only one time in an Ekta Kapoor serial.
— Johnny Bravo (@khanakram421) October 13, 2016
Neil Nitin Mukesh getting married..
heart break
Officials will ask for extra pay if Rukmini decides to add to her surname. Imagine adding Rukmini Neil Nitin Mukesh Sahay in those columns!
— Blessen Varghese (@blessenv) October 13, 2016
One in Neil Nitin Mukesh has a couple of drinks and the other two gets high. #DidYouKnow?
— Gajender (@gajender00) October 13, 2016
Sources say each relative & friend of Neil Nitin Mukesh got 3 engagement cards.
— Ghanta Sarcasm (@GhantaSarcasm) October 13, 2016
Neil Nitin Mukesh will do 21 pheras during his wedding.
— Harish Iyengaar (@scaryhairyman) October 13, 2016
half of indian twtr is living on neil nitin mukesh barkha dutt kejriwal jokes. missing RaGa jokes.
— ahghbfgfc (@hcvwarrior) October 13, 2016
Why Neil Nitin Mukesh cant cook ?
Coz too many cooks spoil the broth— Zen Cutlet (@Aayush_88) October 13, 2016
Neil Nitin Mukesh doesn’t have a successful career because “Teen tigda, Kaam bigda”.
— Aladdin (@Alllahdin) October 13, 2016
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