In an extremely unfortunate incident, Bollywood actress Preity Zinta’s cousin Nitin Chauhan has allegedly committed suicide on Friday.
According to reports, 38 years old Nitin committed suicide by shooting himself with a pistol in his car in Shimla. Initial reports suggest that Nitin was undergoing trouble in his marital life for quite some time now.
The police have also reportedly recovered suicide notes from his house which have blamed his wife and his in-laws for committing suicide. Nitin took the drastic the same day his and wife’s hearing of their separation proceedings was supposed to take place.
“Nitin Chauhan has blamed his wife and in-laws for harassing him In both suicide notes, of four pages each,” a police officer told a leading news daily.
In his suicide note, Chauhan has also alleged that his wife and in-laws did not let him meet his son. The police have registered an abetment case against his in-laws and investigating the matter to gain more information.
It is also being reported that the gun Nitin used to shoot himself did not belong to him. The police has sent the weapon for examination and are trying to find out who the gun belonged to.
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