Bollywood actor Priyanka Chopra is busy shooting for the second season of American thriller series Quantico 2. While she enjoys immense stardom back home, Pee Cee was snubbed when she offered to help an old lady on the streets of New York. “There was an old lady with a lot of bags walking on the street. When I offered to help her, she shouted at me. What do you think I can’t carry myself?” the 34-year-old actor revealed in an interview to ABC news. Certainly, her fans would be fuming after hearing about this incident.
However, the incident did not dent the popularity of the National Award-winning actor. Since stepping foot on the American soil for a full-fledged acting stint, Priyanka has become a rage among the audience. She has appeared on several TV shows wherein the Bajirao Mastani star opened up about racism, Bollywood and her acting career in the West.
She has also been hailed by critics and fans alike for shattering misconceptions about Indians in the West. Recently, during an interaction with American comedian Chelsea Handler, Priyanka was asked whether she knew English during her first visit to the US as a 12-year-old.
“10% of India’s population speaks English which is 1.3 million. So when you go to India, you will encounter a lot of people who speak English,” she wittingly replied the host.
She also featured on shows like The Jimmy Kimmel Live, The Ellen DeGenres Show, Watch What Happens With Andy Cohen and others. On the big screen, Pee Cee is set to make her Hollywood debut opposite Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron in upcoming flick Baywatch. She also made it to the cover of Time Magazine this year.
So, don’t get disheartened by the unintentional rebuke Pee Cee. Instead of saying sorry, you could have asked the old lady to view an episode of Quantico 2 on television.
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