The first look poster of Priyanka Chopra’s maiden Punjabi film as a producer, titled Sarvann, is out. The actress revealed the poster, featuring Punjabi actor Amrinder Gill, on her Instagram. Just last week Priyanka announced the release of Saravnn which will hit the screen in December. The film also features Ranjit Bawa and Simi Chahal. The film is a coming-of-age drama
The actress who produces movies under Purple Pebble Pictures banner wrote on Instagram, “Happy Guru Nanak Jayanti. Great day to start a new journey… #Sarvann
Amarinder Gill is one of the most experienced and successful actors in Punjabi films and PeeCee has picked best and perfect actor for her maiden film.
The Punjabi film is the second film in the regional zone for the Quantico star. Her maiden Marathi production, Ventilator, released earlier this month. Ventilator garnered much appreciation from the audience as well as the critics.
The film will be produced by Priyanka’s mother Madhu Chopra under their home banner. It is written and directed by Karan Guliani, who has also penned the story with Ambadeep Singh serving as screenplay and dialogue writer.
At the same time, Priyanka is busy with the second season of American TV series Quantico and her debut international film Baywatch, which stars Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron. She is expected to be in India in December for other work commitments.
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