It’s widely known that Malayalam actor Mohanlal and ad film maker VA Shrikumar have teamed up for a film titled Randamoozham. The film, an adaptation of legendary Malayalam writer, MT Vasudevan’s award winning novel with the same was announced in 2014, but later got shelved due to various reasons.
Earlier, Mohanlal had revealed that the budget of the film as Rs 600 crore to make it as the costliest Indian film till date. However, on Monday afternoon, the actor announced that Randamoozham will be made on a dream budget of Rs 1000 crore. The five time national award-winner also added that the film will be bankrolled by Dr. BR Shetty, The Founder and Chairman of NMC Healthcare and UAE Exchange.
Mohanlal took to his Facebook page to share the update and wrote:
Meanwhile BR Shetty had revealed that his film will be a true ‘Make In India’ made for the world. Talking about the same, he said:
The Mahabharata is an epic of all epics. This movie will be a true ‘Make in India’ made for the world. The Mahabharata mesmerises as well as brings focus on life and living. I believe that this film will not only set global benchmarks, but also reposition India and its prowess in mythological storytelling. I am confident that this film will be adapted in over 100 languages and reach over 3 billion people across the world.
Mohanlal will portray the lead role of Bheemasena. The story will be told through the perspective of Bheemasena. The film will be shot primarily in English, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada, Tamil and Telugu, and will be dubbed into major Indian languages and leading foreign languages.
Randamoozham will start rolling in September 2018 and will hit the screens as two parts in 2020.
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