Deepika Padukone might have said that she merely “tolerates” Ranveer Singh’s fashion choices at a recent episode of Koffee With Karan, but it seems like his aesthetic eccentricities are bringing out her wild side and we’re loving it. That cheeky Cannes outing, where she looked like a dream in her custom-made frothy fuchsia Ashi Studio gown, was a signal of things to come. The restrictive body-con dresses she was spotted in often are giving way to more bodacious silhouettes and themes. Her recent Gothic glam fashion outings, both post-marriage, is also smashing stereotypes of the tame and shy Indian bahu, and that is a gloriously feminist act!
Deepika channeled her inner Morticia Addams meets bride of Count Dracula at her reception party, held in Mumbai, and it was such high levels of slayage that we were all left gagging. She stood there like a (almost literal) bloody goddess oozing all sorts of divine goodness. We were so floored by her that it took us all a while to notice Ranveer, sitting right beside her, relatively tamer than usual, perhaps basking in DP’s aura in quietude, just like us.
While all their wedding parties are over already (thankfully?), they are continuing to serve major lewks everywhere they are turning up hand in hand, partners in life and fashion now. They showed up at the Star Screen Awards channeling their inner gangsta and Gothic glam selves. Deepika looked stunning in her custom all-black Anamika Khanna ensemble. This time we got Morticia meets Cruella DeVille vibes because of her Extraa AF sheer cape and stacked pearl necklaces. Both these fictional women are icons in their own rights for being the anti-thesis of the ideal woman archetype – be it their personalities or their aesthetic sensibilities.
We also got a glimpse of her chooda playing peek-a-boo underneath her cape sleeves. Women are generally shamed in fashion circles for showing up on red carpets with signifiers of their marriage-hood in full display. Hell, even regular Indian women are ridiculed for choosing to wear their choodas with swimsuits, shorts, and generally unsanskari attires after marriage. Yes, these markers are steeped in questionably regressive connotations, but so is marriage and there is a way to reclaim things that were once tainted by the toxic clutches of patriarchy. Automatically assuming that a woman doesn’t have the agency to make informed decisions in her own life is the real problem though, not choosing to shame them. So, a few extra brownie points for Deepika for this move.
At the award, Ranveer was twinning with Deepika in all black, but the all over tiger print and OTT gold chain with a tiger pendant brought out his quintessential quirk, not to mention those gold 80s style glasses! Together the two looked every bit the power couple that they are.
Ranveer also won an award for his role as Allauddin Khilji in one of this year’s most controversial and commercially successful films, Padmaavat. While receiving the award he mentioned that even if he lost the Rani Sa in the film, he got her in real life and that was enough to stab every forever single soul right where it hurts the most. But, we nodded in agreement as he gushed about his one true queen as we stan this queen too!
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