Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s next — Padmavati, has gone on the floors with Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone and Shahid Kapoor in the lead. The film portrays the historic account of 1303 siege in India when Alauddin Khilji (played by Ranver Singh) decided to invade Chittor (a city in Rajasthan) in order to abduct queen Padmini (played by Deepika Padukone), wife of Rana Rawal Ratan Singh (played by Shahid Kapoor).
It is the third film featuring Ranveer and Deepika together on screen and therefore, it is a moment to rejoice for DeepVeer fans. After their eclectic chemistry in Ram Leela and Bajirao Mastani, hopes are high from their performances in this yet another periodic drama. However, much to the fans’ disappointment, Deepika and Ranveer have not been shown in any romantic angle in the film. In fact, there is no scene in the film where the two will be seen even indulging in a conversation with each other.
A source close to the film sets told a leading daily that Bhansali hasn’t included any scene in the script where Ranveer and Deepika are sharing a conversation. The report quoted the source saying:
Also read: Did Ranveer really say he deserves less money than Deepika in Padmavati?
“Ranveer and Deepika are not romantically paired opposite each other in the film. There is no romantic song or scene between them in the narrative of the film or even as a dream sequence.In fact, there is no interaction between Alauddin Khilji and Padmavati. This is written history and history cannot be tampered with. Rani Padmavati was an honourable woman, reveared even today. Women at that time wore a ‘ghooghat‘ (veil) to cover their head and face. Sanjay Leela Bhansali, as a filmmaker, has always been sensitive towards people’s sentiments and has treated the subject with utmost respect.”
Padmavati, produced by Bhansali Productions and Viacom18 Motion Pictures, is targeting November 17, 2017 release slot. The shooting of the film started on November 1, 2016 and will be completed in 200 days. The music of the film has been composed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali himself and Shreya Ghoshal has already given her vocals for one of the songs in the film. Rumours have it that Bhansali has also requested legendary Lata Mangeshkar to sing a song for the film.
Also read: Here’s why we are excited for Deepika, Shahid and Ranveer’s Padmavati
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