Ranveer Singh’s Befikre persona is not hidden from anyone. Going by the trailer of his upcoming film, we can gauge how much fun he and co-star Vaani Kapoor had while shooting for the Aditya Chopra-directed film. The film has some steamy kissing scenes between the duo which has created a lot of buzz even before it releases. However, Ranveer spilled the beans on what transpires between the on-screen couple during a lip-lock which left him disgusted.
Vaani FARTS while kissing him. WHAT?
Yes, you heard it right. Ranveer does not stop here and compares the Shuddh Desi Romance actor to a fire-breathing dragon. In the latest behind the scenes video released by Yash Raj Films on Friday, the Befikre actors enjoy every moment of the shooting schedule. While Ranveer makes fun of her lean physique and mockingly chides her for not eating much, all the damsel can do is return his funny jibes with a good laugh. Further, the duo do not miss any opportunity in playing pranks at each other on the set.
The film features Ranveer Singh as Dharam and Vaani Kapoor as Shyra, who are in a casual relationship with each other. As the title Befikre suggests, the couple believe in leading a carefree and non-serious life. The film has been extensively shot in Paris and Mumbai over a period of 90 days. The film releases on December 9.
Befikre marks the directorial comeback of Aditya Chopra after a long hap of eight years. He had last directed Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi starring Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma in lead roles.
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