Actor Priyanka Chopra’s Purple Pebbles Pictures is all set to produce their first Assamese movie, Bhoga Khirikee (Broken Window). The film will be directed by award-winning director, Jahnu Barua and will be a collaboration between Purple Pebbles Pictures and Mumbai’s Easterly Pictures. It is slated for a late December release.
This is a truly special project… proud to announce our first Assamese production @PurplePebblePic #BhogaKhirikee (Broken Windows). Equally excited to work with the super talented cast and crew spearheaded by #JahnuBarua #ComingSoon
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) February 8, 2018
Conferred with Padma Shri (2013) and Padma Bhushan (2015), Jahnu Barua has also won multiple National Awards for his films Ajeyo (2013) and Baandhon (2012), to name a few. Bhoga Khirikee will star Zerifa Wahid, Seema Biswas, Joy Kashyap, Bishnu Khargoriya among others.
As per News 18, set against the socio-political landscape of Assam in 2015, the film is inspired by real life experiences of a village girl in upper Assam. It was majorly shot around Kaziranga National Park. Speaking about the movie, actor Seema Biswas said:
“It’s a powerful human story. I am playing Togor’s (protagonist) mother in this film. I was hoping to see some wild animals in Kaziranga during the shoot. Sometimes, we had to wake up at 4am and return by dusk. Sadly, I couldn’t make any wild friends.”
Expressing his happiness over the collaboration of two production houses for an Assamese movie, Jahnu Baru said:
“I am very happy to see a joint effort for Assamese cinema this time. The Assamese film industry is an important part of us – a realization that can now be seen among the people of Assam.”
Also read: Multiplex hits to sensitive indie films, are we witnessing a new wave in Assamese cinema?
Sandeep Bhargava, the CEO of Purple Pebbles Pictures told Moneycontrol that they are not only planning to release the movie outside Assam. It will not be dubbed in Hindi, but they are thinking of screening it at major international film festivals like Cannes.
Interestingly, Priyanka is also a tourism brand ambassador of Assam. Bhoga Khirikee is Priyanka’s first Assamese production. She has previously produced three films: Ventilator in 2016 (Marathi), Pahuna (Sikkimese) and Sarvann (Punjabi) in 2017. Ventilator won a National Awards for Best Direction, Best Audiography and Best Editing.
Also read: An emotional Priyanka Chopra reveals her father’s connection with Marathi movie Ventilator
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