Actor Amala Paul came out with her own #MeToo story recently alleging director Susi Ganesan of sexual harassment on the sets of Thiruttu Payale 2. The actor backed the allegations of independent filmmaker and poet, Leena Manimekalai, and went on to describe Ganesan as someone with ‘a twisted set of moral values and low respect for women.’
Paul put out her statement on Twitter saying that while working on the sets of Thiruttu Payale 2, she was constantly subjected to ‘double meaning talks, misrepresented offers, and un-chivalrous bodily contacts.’ She described her experience as something that left with her a lot of ‘mental fatigue’.
#MeToo #MeTooIndia #LeenaManimekalai #susiganesan
— Amala Paul (@Amala_ams) October 24, 2018
Only a short while after she put out her statement, Paul wrote another tweet. In that she claimed to getting a call from Ganesan and his wife, Manjari, accusing the couple of slut-shaming Paul, in between ‘fits of laughter’. But Paul said that she wasn’t going to get intimidated by such tactics.
Just got the shock of my life! @DirectorSusi & @sgmanjari called &I picked up to explain the stand.While I was trying to pacify his wife; Susi strted abusing me&to my surprise his wife strted laughing&they both joined to slut shame me. De feel de can scare me with dese tactics
— Amala Paul (@Amala_ams) October 24, 2018
These words of support for Leena’s allegations and Paul’s own story, came out shortly after Ganesan’s wife raised a few questions on the authenticity of Leena’s claims. She went on to label Leena as a ‘#MeTooCheat’.
Give the Benefit of doubt to my husband too.Before stepping in to support #MeToo Cheat Leena ,(for ur gesture) i was expecting u to do some ground work about her notorious past.otherwise if u keep supporting Liars Metoo movement will die down soon..Thank you.
— Manjari susi ganeshan (@sgmanjari) October 24, 2018
She wrote, “When Leena Manimekalai can proudly and boldly declare herself as BISEXUAL, she should be able to boldly answer any question. Now as an affected wife, I want to ask the same questions the press asked her: interview date, time, duration of interview, street where the incident happened. Whoever supports her lies, pls ask her to reveal the simple facts. These should not be uncomfortable questions for a ‘revolutionary poet’ like her.”
Many women coming out with their #MeToo stories down south (including Chinmayi & Sruthi Hariharan), have been subjected to hostile interviews from the members of the media and the fraternity. Somehow however, the alleged perpetrators have been given the luxury of a ‘dignified silence’.
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