Salman Khan’s Bigg Boss 10 has already started with a bang. Yesterday, we got a glimpse of as many as 15 house inmates out of which 8 are the commoners and 7 celebs. The premiere of the Bigg Boss saw many interesting commoners including cricketer Yuvraj Singh’s ‘Bhabhi‘ Akansha Sharma, Om Swami, Google ex-employee Nitibha Kaul, Manveer Gurjar, Lokesh Kumari Sharma etc. Among the celebrities, Karan Mehra aka Naitik of ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlaata Hai’, VJ Baani, Rahul Dev and others are set to give a tough fight to the commoners. In the coming days more contestants in the form of wild cards are expected to enter the show.
On the very first day, Bigg Boss gave an interesting task to the inmates where the celebs have to obey commoners and be their slaves. To catch on all the excitement tune into Bigg Boss 10 at 10:30 pm from Monday to Friday and at 9 pm on the weekends. The makers of the show have promised to continue with the entertainment quotient and promise a lot of ‘Dhamaka‘ in the season 10 of the show. But for now, let us revisit back to the controversies and issues that rocked Bigg Boss over the years. The show has had its own share of controversies and WTF moments in the past. The ‘hard-to-believe-actions of celebrities always took us by surprise. From Armaan Kohli getting arrested to KRK throwing a bottle on Rohit Verma, the contestant’s shocking actions in the heat of the moment made the viewers jump in shock. Every season, Bigg Boss has never led his fans down in terms of the content and situations that were hard to believe.
The show is based on the British television show ‘Big Brother’. Over the years, megastar Amitabh Bachchan, Arshad Warsi, Shilpa Shetty, Sanjay Dutt and Salman Khan have hosted the show. Bigg Boss is one of the most anticipated shows of the Indian Television industry.
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