Veteran actor Rishi Kapoor took to Twitter to bid an emotional goodbye to Regal Theatre in Delhi, which will shut down today after an eight-decade-long golden run. The owners have decided to screen Rishi’s father, Raj Kapoor’s classics Mera Naam Joker and Sangam on its last day. The premiere of Rishi’s debut film as a leading man was also held at Regal Theatre.
Situated in Connaught Place area of the central Delhi, Regal was designed by architect Walter Sykes George and opened in 1932. Rishi, whose 1973 film Bobby was presented at the cinema hall, took to twitter and wrote: “Demolish. Adios Regal Theatre, Delhi. A place where all the Kapoor’s theatre and cinema work was seen. Had ‘Bobby’ premiered there too! Thank you!”
Vishal Choudhary, one of the owners of the theatre, says they decided to screen Kapoor’s films after receiving a lot of fan requests. He also told that Regal had a great association with both Prithviraj Kapoor and his son Raj Kapoor. While Prithviraj used to perform all his plays in the Regal theatre, Raj made sure that the premiere of all his films were held in Regal Theatre.
Vishal further added: “Regal has had a great association with both Prithviraj Kapoor and his son Raj Kapoor. Prithviraj ji used to perform all his plays in the Regal theatre and Raj Kapoor made sure to premiere all his films here. He was very attached to the theatre and Nargis ji also visited a lot of times with him.”
The theatre that is currently playing Anushka Sharma starrer Phillauri, will screen Mera Naam Joker in the evening and Sangam in the night show. The theatre owners are planning to return as a multiplex but Vishal says they are still in talks and it may take them a year or so to start the renovation.
Here’s what Rishi Kapoor tweeted:
Demolish.Adios Regal Theatre,Delhi.A place where all the Kapoor’s theatre and cinema work was seen.Had”Bobby”premiered there too! Thank you!
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) March 30, 2017
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