Fans were all excited when Shah Rukh Khan released a photo from the sets of Imtiaz Ali’s film ‘The Ring‘ saying that it was the first look of the movie. However, the actor soon shot down the element of surprise. Anushka and Shah Rukh are having a gala time while shooting for their upcoming film. They have been uploading several pictures and videos on their social media accounts. Recently, King Khan uploaded one picture on his Twitter account and surprised everyone by presenting that picture as the first look of the movie. However, before anyone could reach on any conclusion, the actor put another tweet stating the fact.
His first tweet read, “‘First Look’ of Imtiaz Ali’s film, allegedly called The Ring. Not a horror film nor a love story…it’s a Ninja epic!” The actor then soon replied, ” The last tweet about the film is a joke. Clarifying for those who don’t get my drift & end up distorting stuff. It’s just cold in Budapest!”
‘First Look’ of Imtiaz Ali’s film, allegedly called The Ring. Not a horror film nor a love story…it’s a Ninja epic!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) October 11, 2016
The last tweet about the film is a joke. Clarifying for those who don’t get my drift & end up distorting stuff. It’s just cold in Budapest!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) October 11, 2016
After wrapping the first schedule of their upcoming movie in Prague, the actors are currently shooting for some pivotal sequences in the capital city of Lisbon. The king of romance recently posted two videos on Instagram and captioned them as, “Beauty and beast take your pick,” and ” And the beastly version” respectively. In the first video, Shah Rukh can be seen taking a hilarious dig at Anushka. He is seen saying, “She is always posing and getting into my pictures. But I always keep her in the background.” In the second video, Anushka is seen saying, “He is always posing and keeping me in the background in all the pictures. But real beauty always comes to the front.”
Beauty and beast take your pick.
A video posted by Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) on
A video posted by Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) on
The actor also posted another funny video where he can be seen sliding down the stairs in a superman style. He captioned the video as, “If u believe u can fly…u can..well almost. P.S. B careful of the friction on the pelvic girdle.#srkinstagyaan.” This is the third time Shah Rukh and Anushka Sharma are working together. They earlier worked in ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi‘ and ‘Jab Tak Hai Jaan‘. It is being said that Shah Rukh is playing a tourist guide in the film. Only time will tell if that is true, despite his busy schedule, the actor never leaves a chance to interact with his fans. He never ceases to surprise everyone with his sense of humour.His chat with his ‘Jabra‘ fans was super funny. Take a look:
@iamsrk sir meri ex girlfriend ko phir se kaise patao ??
M sorry for what I have done to her..
Help needed please.!— ankit suman (@ankitsuman2) October 11, 2016
Bhai main real life mein ladkiyon ke maamle mein thoda kamzor hoon. Sorry u will have to figure it out urself.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) October 11, 2016
@iamsrk Do you know about aryans gfs?
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