Former Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan on Tuesday took a jibe at the Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis after Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan met MNS (Maharashtra Navnirman Sena ) leader Raj Thackeray ahead of the release of his film Raees. Chavan said saying that it was extremely shocking that he had to take Thackeray’s permission to release his film.
He further said that it was a failure on the part on the ruling government and the current Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis had given up on his responsibilities and it was extremely shameful that a person has to go to an non-constitutional organisation and not the Chief Minister to seek protection.
“How shameful is it that a common man has to go to an extortionist to get legal protection. The Chief Minister has completely given up on his authority. The truth is the common man does not really have faith in the ruling party due to which they had to approach these people.” Chavan said.
Meanwhile, Ashok Chavan who has also the former Maharashtra Chief Minister reiterated Prithviraj Chavan’s statements and said that it was shocking and shameful that Shahrukh Khan had to go to Raj Thackeray to seek permission to release his film.
“Failure and shameful for the Maharashtra government that Shahrukh Khan had to take Raj Thackeray’s permission. The Chief Minister is responsible for this. He has set this precedence,” Ashik Chavan said.
Controversy sparked after Shah Rukh Khan visited MNS leader Raj Thackeray who has expressed displeasure with Pakistani artistes working in India. The meeting was held in context to his upcoming film Raees, which sparked row due to the casting of Pakistani actress Mahira Khan.
Post the meeting, MNS affirmed that Shahrukh Khan had ensured that Pakistani actress, Mahira Khan will not come to India for promoting the film.
Raees is all set to hit the screens on 25 January.
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