One of the two big Bollywood releases of this Friday, Ajay Devgn’s Shivaay has finally released. This action-packed ride marks the directorial comeback of Ajay Devgn. The film, shot in the Balkan mountains of Bulgaria along with Hyderabad and Uttarakhand, also stars Sayyeshaa Saigal, Erika Kaar, Vir Das and Girish Karnad. Reportedly, it is one of the biggest international releases of Ajay Devgn as the film will be running in almost 80 countries. Like Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, even Shivaay has been facing the controversies since long. However, both the films have different types of controversies to deal with.
Earlier, producer and director Ajay Devgn alleged self-claimed film critic Kamal R Khan for taking money from Karan Johar. He said that KRK has taken Rs 25 lakh to say negative things about Shivaay. This was one of the biggest issues, wherein Ajay Devgn released a video on YouTube. Later, the news broke about KRK revealing major scenes of Shivaay online. KRK, knowingly or unknowingly, revealed few scenes of Shivaay on his Twitter handle. Currently, KRK is in Dubai and while he was watching the movie, he tweeted few clips. Later, he realised about the cyber crime he just did and deleted everything. However, the damage was already done.
Ajay Devgn has been working on the film since two years and is his one of the most ambitious projects. The film has some really good action scenes. As the film is shot at beautiful locations of Balkan and Uttarakhand mountains, it’s certainly a visual treat for the audience. The film also cast Sayyeshaa Saigal, the grand-niece of Saira Banu, is a pivotal role. But before you book your tickets, check out what other audience are saying. Here are some of the tweets:
Watching #Shivaay second time in dubai n it’s equally exciting hats off to @ajaydevgn .never knew there is a great director in u 5/5
— KumarShiva (@Shiv1986Kumar) October 27, 2016
@ajaydevgn just saw amazing #Shivaay magnificent!!outstanding efforts !! Shivaay came Shivaay saw and Shivaay conquered the box office
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