Indian entertainment brand Eros Now has launched the official teaser for Amole Gupte’s kids action-adventure film, Sniff, the first of its kind in India. The film will be the first project to be undertaken by Trinity Pictures, a franchise studio launched by Eros. The minute-long teaser has left audiences confused and intrigued.
Amole Gupte, who his known for creating outstanding films like Stanley ka Dabba and Hawa Hawai and for his works as a creative writer in Taare Zameen Par, brings forth this film that will outline the tale of a budding spy.
The teaser starts off ordinary with shots of students in a school but, quickly turns suspenseful and two of the children indulge in an intriguing albeit, a little creepy conversation. “Do you know the smell of fear? Pain? Darr (fear)? Can you smell danger?” one of the boys asks his friend. When the latter, who is portrayed by Khushmeet Gill, innocently asks “Danger ki smell kya hoti hai? (what does danger smell like?),” the former replies “Maut… Death.” Haunting music and panicked footsteps follow as the teaser concludes.
Khushmeet Gill is a newcomer, merely 8 years old but, given Gupte’s history with child actors in the past, it’s certain that Gill is not short of talent and will do justice to the film.
Mujtaba Aziz Naza, who is the son of famed Qawwali singer Aziz Naza, has composed the music for Sniff and has done an amazing job to give a haunting ambience.
The film was first officially announced in September this year where the title of the film, “Sniff“, was also revealed. The principal photography for Sniff had commenced soon after the announcement, on 12 September 2016.
Sniff is going to be released in the summer of 2017 and the suspense already has me wracking my brain. Watch the trailer for the film here.
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