As much as we would like our Bollywood celebrities to take a stand on issues, like their Hollywood counterparts, we all know why they don’t. Despite the privilege and massive reach stars enjoy, they often stick to promotions and self-congratulatory messages. The fact that Sonam Kapoor is trending on Twitter right now, facing massive amounts of vitriol simply for sharing a post calling out religious fundamentalists and discouraging war, is further proof of why celebrities shy away from taking a public stand.
Amidst escalating tensions between India and Pakistan, parody page Humans of Hindutva published a post drawing attention to how much the average Indians and Pakistanis have in common with each other, than they do with the religious fundamentalists in their respective countries.
Yesterday, Kapoor shared a screenshot of the post as her Instagram story:
The actress, who is no stranger to trolls thanks to her no filter comments, has had to face incessant baiting and name-calling on Twitter and other social media platforms ever since. While some have resorted to abusing and even slut shaming her, some people are encouraging others to join in their protest against the Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga actor. From a post about similarities between the two nations, some have concluded that the actor has ‘maligned Hindus’.
There have even been calls to gather a mob outside Kapoor’s residence in Mumbai, because that is how we disagree with a celebrity’s views in 2019.
Some are calling for a boycott of Total Dhamaal, a film starring her father Anil Kapoor.
Some are calling out Swara Bhasker as well as other liberals who are asking for peace while slamming Kapoor.
Some are tagging other Bollywood celebrities asking them to shame or chastise the likes of Kapoor.
Some are accusing Kapoor for sharing a “paid post” simply because Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan’s wife, Avantika Khan, also shared the same HoH post. The stretching it must have taken to reach this conclusion is blowing our minds.
However, there are a few who have appreciated Kapoor’s decision to take a stand at the cost of being attacked so viciously.
Who would have thought asking for peace could ever lead to threats of violence?
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