Barely an hour after singer Sonu Nigam shaved off his hair and demanded Rs 10 lakh in reaction to a Fatwa against him, the cleric who made the announcement said that the singer has only partially fulfilled the conditions for reward.
Speaking with ANI, Syed Sha Atef Ali Al Quaderi said that Sonu only did the task of shaving his head, which is only one condition made by him out of three.
Reminding the singer of other two conditions, vice president of of West Bengal Minority United Council said, “Sonu Nigam has not done all the things I asked for, two out of the three things remain unfulfilled. Will give reward of 10 lakh, only when he does rest two-garland of old torn shoes and tour around the country.”
“If anyone can shave his hair, put a garland of old torn shoes around his neck and tour him around the country I personally announce an award of Rs 10 lakh for that person,”Syed Sha Atef Ali Al Quaderi said during a news conference in Kolkata on Tuesday.
Following the report, Singer took an unprecedented call and announced he will go bald. “Today at 2 pm Aalim will come to my place, and shave my head. Keep your 10 lakhs ready Maulavi”.In another tweet, he wrote, “And Press is welcome to participate at 2 pm.”
In a series of tweets, he vented his anger over the’ forced religiousness’ the country and questioned when this ‘ Goondagardi’ will stop. However it was his first tweet about being woken up to Azaan and forced religiousness in the country that became a butt of controversy. The singer was relentlessly trolled and even an FIR was filed against him in Mumbai.
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