Finally, the long-awaited marriage of Malayalam film industry’s ‘Laila-Majnu’ — Kavya Madhavan and Dileep took place on Friday. Madhavan and Dileep tied the knot in the presence of close friends and relatives at a hotel. In the presence of around 200 guests, the wedding took place between 9 and 10 am. This was the second marriage for both the stars, with their first one ending in divorce.
Dileep had divorced Manju Warrier — a popular actress who withdrew from films after her marriage in 1998. While Madhavan was married in 2009 to a computer engineer, which ended in one year.
Kept as a highly guarded secret, the media and others got a surprise when the news trickled on Friday morning about the ‘star wedding’. “I did not know about this, till a few hours back. My husband (producer Suresh) told me that he has to visit a temple. Maybe he knew. Anyway this is good news for all of us,” said the yesteryear actress, Maneka.
“Only those very close to the couple are there today and this has happened with the support of both the families,” said Ranjith, a producer and husband of actress Chippi at the marriage venue. “Finally there is an end to unnecessary speculations and Dileep has the complete support of his daughter – Meenakshi,” said veteran director Kamal.
In their film career, the two were paired in 21 films with ‘Meeshamadhavan’, ‘Thenkasipattenenm’ and the last came in 2016 when legendary filmmaker Adoor Gopalakrishnan paired them in his film ‘Pinneyum’.
Dileep took to Facebook to announce the wedding moments. He wrote, “I am here to tell you about a big event happening in my life today. I am getting married today. When I thought of a marriage, I discussed it with my daughter, her mother, my friends and family and arrived at a decision. My partner is a person who has been linked to me in gossip magazines. I earnestly hope all Malayalis and people around the world who love me would shower your blessings on us and remember us in your prayers. Please do not create controversies out of this. Bless us instead.” Also, they had a live streaming.
— With inputs from IANS
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