Popular actor Nagarjuna’s son Akhil Akkineni is grabbing headlines for calling off his engagement with the ace fashion designer Shriya Bhupal. She is the granddaughter of business tycoon GVK Reddy. The news has come as a shock to all the fans who were anxiously waiting for the wedding that was supposed to happen in a couple of months.
The couple who dated for quite a long time got engaged a few months ago in what was called as one of the biggest star-studded affairs of the year 2016. Interestingly, the families had already zeroed in the destination for the wedding. Akhil and Shriya were set to exchange vows in Italy.
The wedding cards were already sent to the friends and guests who were planning to witness the auspicious occasion of the couple. However, the couple has decided to call it quits after telling their families about the decision. Even the actor Nagarjuna and GVK Reddy gave in after trying hard to convince the couple.
As per the reports, it was a mutual decision of the couple to call off the engagement. Even the family members were in a state of shock over the development as all seemed so well between the two. The reason is however not known yet. Post the decision, the families got in touch with the guests and asked them to cancel their plans. Nearly 700 people were invited for 22-year-old Akhil and 26-year-old Shriya’s wedding.
Shriya and Akhil started dating each other after meeting at a party. They were the most loved couples of the industry and fans will be waiting to know the reason why they decided to call it quits. Shriya and her family members have always been in close association with Nagarjuna’s family.
They were even spotted attending Nagarjuna’s elder son Naga Chaitanya’s engagement ceremony. After being so close to each other. Wonder what went wrong?
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