A Kannada film producer named Viresh has been arrested by Bangalore City police for allegedly molesting a girl on the pretext of discussing a role in his film. However, the girl’s family thrashed the film producer before handing him over to police.
Reportedly, Viresh tried to sexually assault the girl when he called her to his house in Hulimavu, on the pretext of discussing her role in the film. The girl somehow managed to escape from his house locking him from outside. She then called her family, who thrashed the film producer before the arrest happens. The entire thrashing incident was recorded on mobile and the footage was aired on the local television channel.
According to the police complaint registered on behalf of the girl, Viresh had called her to his residence to discuss a film role. However, as they were talking, he tried to force himself on her. She managed to escape his clutches and bolted the door of the room from outside, leaving him locked inside.
The shocking incident has once again brought up the possible pervasiveness of the use of casting couch in film industries.
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