Recently, the first look poster of Shruti Haasan’s upcoming Tamil film Sanghamitra was launched by the makers and it looks amazing. In fact, the actress made it to the Cannes to talk about the dream project, which has been in the works for nearly three years. And not only this, the hotly anticipated Rs 250-crore period drama that promises to outstrip Baahubali in terms of scale and grandeur.
Set to go into production later this year, Sanghamitra, a tale of valour, treachery and love. The first installment of the two-part magnum opus will be ready for release by the end of 2018, director Sundar C has revealed. Apart from Shruti Haasan, the film also stars Jayam Ravi and Arya. Sundar has described the film as a fantasy inspired by Tamil history and set in the eighth century.
“This is the film that I have always been aspiring to make,” says the director who has helmed over 30 commercially successful Tamil films, including the Rajinikanth starrer Arunachalam and the Kamal Haasan vehicle Anbe Sivam. “I’ve had the Sanghamitra idea with me for a decade now. I was waiting for the right kind of budget and the necessary technology to come my way. The time is now ripe. I wanted to be sure that I’d be able to do full justice to the magnitude of the tale before embarking upon making it,” he said.
Also read: Shruti Haasan’s warrior avatar in first poster of Sanghamithra wows Twitter [See Photo]
Acknowledging that the success of Baahubali has definitely been instrumental in throwing the doors open for a
film as ambitious as his, Sundar asserted that Sanghamitra will go beyond the S S Rajamouli-directed VFX blockbuster. “Baahubali took south Indian cinema to the national level. Sanghamitra will take it to the global league. That is what we are aiming at and that is why we are in Cannes to launch the film,” Sundar said.”
Also read: Dear Shruti Haasan, it’s Cannes 2017, not Met Gala. What’s wrong with your dress?
“The idea is to bring to the world a sweeping view of the richness and achievements of Indian culture and history. Most Western films shot in India focus on slums and poverty. That is only 5 per cent of India. My film will celebrate the other side of India.” “All the hits that I have delivered thus far were only stepping stones towards this film. Sanghamitra is going to be ‘the’ film of my directing career,” Sundar said.
Also read: Cannes 2017: Shruti Haasan’s Indo-western look on day 2 is another disappointment – See Photos
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