A court in Valliyoor has summoned the veteran actor Kamal Haasan to appear on 5 May in connection with his remarks related to epic Mahabharata. The Hindu Makkal Katchi had filed a case against the actor alleging that his statements defamed the Hindu religion. Kamal Haasan had said that Indians gave too much importance to Mahabharata when it highlighted the fact that a woman was given away in a gamble.
Kamal made these statements during an interview to a TV channel. His views did not go down well with the right finge group. They filed a PIL against the actor on 15 March.
“In Mahabharata, Panchali was used a pawn while the men gambled. She was used as a collateral. And India is a country that respects and honours a book that revolves around men using a woman to gamble away as if she was a mere object,” Kamal Haasan had reportedly said.
Taking offence over the statement, the president of Hindu Makkal Katchi Arjun Sampath told Hindustan Times, “Kamal Haasan has been repeatedly taking an anti-Hindu stand and it has increased during the recent times. He has needlessly criticised Mahabharat, which is a revered epic of the Hindus along with Ramayana. Can he dare to talk in an insulting manner about Islam or Christianity and Bible and Quran? There will be a massive campaign against Kamal Haasan if he does not apologize and withdraw his comments. Actually he has been a serial offender and we demand action be taken against him.”
Arjun added that Kamal was a Brahmin by birth but was totally against Hindus and their culture. “Kamal Haasan is always trying to incite communal trouble with his remarks and even his previous films portrayed scenes and songs that reeked of anti-Brahminism and anti-Hinduism,” the president had added.
Let us wait to see what this turn this entire row takes after Kamal Haasan’s summons.
Mahabharat row: Valliyoor court summons actor Kamal Haasan to appear on May 5th. #TamilNadu pic.twitter.com/EhCIjIrHze
— ANI (@ANI_news) April 21, 2017
Hindu Makkal Katchi had filed a case against Kamal Haasan alleging that he had defamed Hindu religion by making remarks about Mahabharata
— ANI (@ANI_news) April 21, 2017
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