It’s a known fact that Kerala Film Exhibitors Federation (KFEF) has decided to shut down all the theaters connected to the federation from tomorrow due to their ongoing rift between Kerala Film Producers Federation (KFPF) over profit-sharing conditions. Tamil actor Vijay’s Bairavaa, which is scheduled to release tomorrow, has lost the majority of the screens due to the same. The movies starring Ilayathalapathy always enjoy a grand opening at the Kerala Box Office—Theri, his last year’s release, too minted Rs. 17 crore to become the top non-Malayalam grosser of 2016 at the Kerala Box Office.
Out of the 520 screens across Kerala, only 160 screens come under the category of non-federation screens, which includes multiplexes, government-owned cinemas, B & C theaters. And so far, Bairavaa has been confirmed to screen in 90+ screens across Kerala.
Meanwhile, Sayujam Cine Release, who has been appointed by Bairavaa’s Kerala distributor—IFTAR International—has issued a legal warning to both KFEF and KFPF to screen the film as per Indian Competition Act 2002. The legal notice reads:
This is to inform that M/s. IFAR INTERNATIONAL, Kollam has acquired the Kerala Theatrical Rights of the Tamil Film Bairavaa and we M/s. Sayujyam Cine Release, Kottayam have been appointed as their distributors. Those who have entered into agreement with Ms. Sayujyam Cine Release, Kottayam for screening of Tamil Film “BAIRAVAA”, since your association namely Kerala Film Exhibitors Federation have decided to close down the theatres on and from 12th January 2017 by forming a cartel by using your dominant position in the Exhibitors sector which is violate of competition Act 2002. If you adhere with the decision of the Federation, you are liable to pay all the losses sustained by us and we are forced to recover the same through legal remedies. If you do not screen the picture as per the agreement it is a clear violation under the competition commission of India Competition Act 2002.
Also read: Ilayathalapathy Vijay’s Bairavaa strikes gold even before its release
Directed by Bharathan and produced by Vijaya Productions, Bairavaa also stars Keerthy Suresh, Jagapati Babu, Aparna Vinod and Daniel Balaji.
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