After releasing the Telugu dubbed version of Mohanlal’s 2016 Malayalam blockbuster, Pulimurugan, the makers are all set to release the Tamil version of the film with the same title. Directed by Vysakh and produced by Tomichan Mulakupadam, the action-entertainer tells the story of a wild hunter, Murugan. Pulimurugan also stars Bengali actress Kamalini Mukherjee and Telugu actors Jagapati Babu and Namitha.
The Tamil version will be released by Mulakupadam films and will have the dialogues written by RP Bala. The Malayalam actor has already completed dubbing for the film. The makers had stated that the release date of the Tamil version will have a huge release and the date will be revealed within few days.
Meanwhile, Manyam Puli, the Telugu dubbed version of Pulimurugan has completed its 50-day theatrical run at the Telugu Box Office. Upon its release, the Mohanlal starrer had stiff competition from Ram Charan film Dhruva, but the film continued to hold with steady collections at the Tollywood Box Office. By the end of if it’s 50-theatrical days, Manyam Puli has minted an impressive 12 crore from the Telugu states. The film has also emerged as second Telugu blockbuster for the actor after 2016’s highest Telugu grosser, Janatha Garage.
Interestingly, Pulimurugan, is still running in more than 50 centers across the Kerala Box Office. The film, which had released on October 7 is the first Rs. 100 crore grosser of Malayalam film history and has grossed Rs. 153 crore worldwide. The film has also emerged as 2016’s third biggest South Indian blockbuster after Rajinikanth’s Kabali and Ilayathalapathy Vijay’s Theri.
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