AR Murugadoss has confirmed that his next film would star Vijay in the lead and the yet-untitled film would go on floors in January 2018. As against the speculation, the film would be an original script and not a sequel to the duo’s blockbuster film, Thuppakki. In an interview, AR Murugadoss said, “Yes, I am working with Vijay again. The scripting is currently in process and we plan to start shooting from January next year. I am writing an original script and it is not a sequel to Thuppakki.”
The director would team up with Vijay for the third time after the success of Thuppakki and Kaththi. As Murugadoss is known to not repeat his actors, when asked about the decision to team up with Vijay yet again, the director said: “I can even do 30 films with Vijay with all of them belonging to different genres. He has so much talent and I want the audience to explore his different side in my films.”
As the film goes on floor in January 2018, the speculations are rife that Vijay would yet again block the Diwali 2018 festive slot. The AR Murugadoss directorial will be Vijay’s 62nd film and it is tentatively called Thalapathy 62.
Also Read: SPYder: Mahesh Babu-AR Murugadoss film finally gets a title, first look trends worldwide
Also Read: SPYder: Mahesh Babu’s mega film’s run time and budget details out
AR Murugadoss is currently gearing up for the release of SPYder starring Mahesh Babu in lead. The director is confident that the film would prove to be a blockbuster and the screenplay of the film would leave the audience spellbound. The much-anticipated action thriller was recently cleared by the censor board with a U/A certificate without a single cut.
The certified runtime of the film is 145 minutes i.e. two hours 25 minutes and Mahesh Babu recently promised that the film is an edge of the seat experience.
The movie is slated to hit the big screen on September 27.
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