Vivegam, the film starring Tamil superstar Thala Ajith in lead role looks promising and we think so after a look at the teaser. The clip that released recently hints that the superstar might give one of his best performances in this movie. Directed by Siva and produced by TG Thyagarajan under his banner, Sathya Jyothi Films, the film marks the third collaboration of Ajith – Siva duo after the blockbusters Veeram and Vedalam. Vivegam stars Kajal Aggarwal as the female lead.
The action-packed teaser is nothing short of a treat for Ajiths’s fans. As expected, the 57-second-long teaser introduced only the lead character of the Tamil Superstar. Thala Ajith portrays the role of an Interpol officer in the film. The non-stop high octane action sequences and the different get-ups of Thala Ajith are sure to be a visual treat for Ajith fans. The one-liner ‘ Never Ever Give Up’ delivered by Ajith stands out at the end of the teaser.
Another highlight of the teaser is brilliant choreography by Vetri. The dance sequence is of international standards. The teaser showcases the beautiful locations of Bulgaria and other European countries.
Ajith will be seen in the titular role of an Interpol Officer Vivek whereas Kajol Aggarwal plays his wife.
Vivegam also marks the Tamil debut of Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi and Kamal Haasan’s daughter Akshara Haasan. Vivek Oberoi portrays the main antagonist of the film Maximillan Lukas while Akshara Haasan essays the role of Ajith’s colleague. Vivegam also stars Aarav Chowdhary, Thambi Ramaiah, Karunakaran, Appukutty and Rajendran. The spy-thriller is scheduled to hit the screens in August.
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