After Sarabhai vs Sarabhai, Popular comedy show Hum Paanch is all set to make a comeback with its season 3. Yes, you heard that right! The 90s hit show will be back on the small screen but with a modern twist. Unlike Sarabhai, we will not get to see the old cast, as the makers are in the process of finalizing the new cast for this season.
The show, which will be aired on BIG Magic, is titled “Hum Paanch Phir Se”, read a statement from the channel. Produced by Essel Vision Pvt Ltd, the show will remain true to the intrinsic elements and the format of the 1990 show but will be given a modern spin. The casting process is still on, and it is expected to go on air in May.
Hum Paanch first aired in 1995 and ran until 1999. With actors Ashok Saraf, Priya Tendulkar, Rakhee Tandon, Bhairavi Raichura, Vandana Pathak and Vidya Balan, the show narrated the story of a family in a hilarious way. Its second season came in 2005.
And not to forget, the show has given us none other than Vidya Balan, who is today one of the most talented and versatile actresses we have in the Hindi film industry. From chirpy Sweety and tomboy Kajal to feminist Meenakshi and geeky Radhika, the show was one amazing TV series and brought a smile to our faces every single time. And now when the show is coming back with its third season, we just can’t contain our excitement any longer.
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(With inputs from IANS)
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