Swami Om, the most controversial contestant of Bigg Boss 10 has been reported to be detained by Lonavala police, ahead of the grand finale. The self-proclaimed Godman, after his exit from the show, had told media that he won’t let the finale take place. He had threatened to create a ruckus on the sets of the show post his ugly eviction from the house. Swami Om had also called the show’s host — Salman Khan a ‘deshdrohi‘.
If media reports are anything to go by, Swami Om has been detained by the police, in what may seem a precautionary measure. He had reportedly reached the venue when the police arrested him and moved his devilish plans to the south.
However, there are parallel reports that claims this news is false. Media personnel who went to the Lonavala police station to check the authenticity of these reports were told by the police that it is a false news.
Throughout his stay in the house, Swami Om created troubles for his inmates. He usually was at the center of all the arguments and repeatedly passed lewd comments. He was warned by host Salman and the Bigg Boss himself to not cross limits. However, he kept passing sexist comments on the female contestants in the house and finally got ousted when he threw his piss on Rohan Mehra and Bani J amid a task.
Also read: Bigg Boss 10: Deepika Padukone’s silence on Swami Om’s sexist story is disappointing
Post his eviction, Swami Om went on a spree to say nasty things about the show.
Om Swami allegedly reached Lonavala to create chaos in the Bigg Boss 10 finale. But before he could do anything, he was arrested https://t.co/y1AOwgd0I2
— The Khabri (@BiggBossNewz) January 29, 2017
#SwamiOm ACTUALLY Came to Stop The #BB10GrandFinale But Got Arrested Along With His Supporters Straight Away! #BB10 #BiggBoss10
— Bigg Boss Critic (@BiggBossCritic1) January 29, 2017
We are still figuring out which version of this ‘detained’ news is true.
The finale of the Bigg Boss 10 is highly awaited by the ardent fans of the show. Inmates Bani J, Manveer Gujjar, Manu Punjabi and Lopamudra Raut are battling it out for the trophy.
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