Ever since the makers announced the eleventh season of Salman Khan’s Bigg Boss 11, several celebrity names are doing rounds of the upcoming show. Though the final list of contestants has not been announced yet, some of the names include Nia Sharma, Abhishek Malik, Nikitin Dheer. Apart from these names, few others have also been doing rounds of media. TV stars Nandish Sandhu, Kunal Verma, Summit Bhardwaj, Gauri Arora and Bhojpuri actress Rani Chatterjee are also rumoured to be participating on the show. Now in a recent development, Kasautii Zindagii Kay fame Cezanne Khan is also rumoured to join the show.
Cezanne, who has been away from the limelight for quite some time now. He rose to fame with the famous Star Plus show which also featured Shweta Tiwari opposite him. The actor, who garnered good response for his role as Anurag Basu in the show, is likely to join the reality show hosted by Salman Khan.
Reports also suggested that apart from Cezanne Khan, actor Anuj Saxena from Balaji Telefilms Kkusum fame is also expected to participate in the show, however, nothing has been confirmed yet. As the countdown for the much talked about TV reality show has begun, the first promo featuring Salman Khan left the audience excited and wanting for more. Check out here:
To be hosted by Salman Khan, this season of Bigg Boss will again have both celebrity guests and commoners. The show will air on Colors TV from October 1 and will see contestants competing with each other to emerge as the winner. As the last season of the show was won by a commoner Manveer Gurjar, it will be interesting to see who will walk away with the trophy of Bigg Boss this year.
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