The grand premiere of the 11th season of Salman Khan’s show is just three days away. Though the final contestants’ list of the celebrity guests is yet to be announced, the makers have released a small video clip introducing the final four commoners of the show. Sharing the video on the Bigg Boss‘s official Twitter page, they wrote: “Meet the first four neighbours who’ve come from various parts of India in an attempt to win your hearts. Are you excited to meet them?”
The first contestant is Jyoti Kumari, the daughter of a peon from Patna. The second one is a self-proclaimed god woman named Shivani Durgah, just like last season’s Swami Om. Introducing herself she said, “Ek talaab ki machchli gandi hai to iska matlab ye nahi ki poora talaab hi ganda ho.”
Also Read: Bigg Boss 11: Salman Khan has a strict advice for contestants this season
The third commoner who will be joining the Salman Khan’s show is Sapna Choudhary, a singer and dancer from Haryana. Well, she is not really a commoner as Sapna is quite popular for her dance and some of her videos have gone viral. While many find her dance steps inappropriate, she has a different opinion. Introducing herself, she said: “If I am vulgar then every Bollywood actor who does an item number is vulgar too.”
Now, the last one from the final four contestants will definitely blow your mind. The fourth neighbour is Zubair Khan, Haseena Parkar’s real-life son-in-law. Yes, that’s true! Introducing himself he said, “Underworld se mera nikaah zarur hua hai par meri pehchaan maine khud banayi hai.”
With these final four contestants, looks like the upcoming season is going to be full of surprises. Don’t you think so?
Check out the video here:
Meet the first four neighbours who’ve come from various parts of India in an attempt to win your hearts. Are you excited to meet them? #BB11
— COLORS (@ColorsTV) September 27, 2017
Also Read: Bigg Boss 11: Is Salman Khan charging a whopping Rs 11 crore per episode?
Bigg Boss, can you now please reveal the celebrity guests?
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