Celebrities like Hina Khan, Gauri Arora, Shilpa Shinde, Nia Sharma, Abhishek Malik, Nikitin Dheer Nandish Sandhu and Cezanne Khan were rumoured to be a part of the upcoming 11th season of Bigg Boss. The makers did reveal the four commoners who will be a part of the show, they are yet to reveal the celebrity guest list. Now the buzz is that TV celebrity couple Hiten Tejwani and Gauri Pradhan might enter the Bigg Boss house.
Couples participating in this reality show is not new. In the past, a string of couples including Suyyash Rai-Kishwer Merchantt, Shilpa and Apurva Agnihotri entertained the audience. Talking about Hiten and Gauri participating in Salman Khan’s show, a source close to the development said that getting a couple always adds more drama and fun to the show.
Talking to a leading daily about the couple participating in the upcoming season of Bigg Boss, a source was quoted as saying:
Getting a couple always adds more drama and fun and staying true to the custom, the makers have zeroed in on Hiten-Gauri this time. Hiten is already on board and since Gauri is shooting for Colors show Tu Aashiqui, the makers are currently graphing out her participation.
Earlier, Bigg Boss makers had shared a video introducing the commoners on the show. Haryana’s entertainer, Sapna Chaudhary, Haseena Parkar’s son-in-law, Zubair Khan, Jyoti Kumari, a peon’s daughter and self-styled god woman Shivani Durgah are the first four commoners on the show. With just two days left for the show to begin, we hope the makers will now at least reveal the celebrity guest list.
Also Read: Bigg Boss 11: Haseena Parkar’s son-in-law to a peon’s daughter, meet the first four commoners
Source Indian Express
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