The winner of the fourth season of Bigg Boss Kannada — Pratham attempted suicide on April 5. He went live on Facebook and posted a video, in which he said that he is taking this serious step because of the misunderstanding between him and his friend named Lokesh. He also shared that he was disturbed a lot due to the harassment by his friend. The video captured him saying that he was not able to tolerate the torture by his friend.
He even spoke about the show and said that he is yet to receive the prize money from the channel. Pratham had promised to donate the money to needy people that he won through the contest. And now people ask him about the status of his money. He even blamed the media for publishing false news about him.
In the video, he further revealed that he has got the cheque and he doesn’t want to keep the money to himself. Pratham also showed the passbooks of his account. He explained that his friend Lokesh is trying to ruin his reputation and said that whatever he did has been wrongly projected. Before ending the video, he said that he can’t take this anymore and this will be his final Facebook live video and also apologised if he ever hurt anyone.
Pratham, further explained that he never imagined committing suicide in his life, but people will not let him lead a peaceful life. He also said that at least his death becomes a lesson for everyone. Reportedly, he was also planning to make his acting debut.
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