Chandan Prabhakar is said to return to The Kapil Sharma Show after a long hiatus. Chandan is the only actor making a comeback on the show after the infamous fallout between Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover. In fact, it was reported that Sunil Grover fought with Kapil Sharma since the latter misbehaved with Chandan on a Mumbai-bound flight from Melbourne. But if reports are to be believed, Chandan has let go of the past and will be returning to the show.
The return will definitely boost the show’s performance at the TRP charts. Post the exit of key actors including Sunil Grover, Ali Asgar and Chandan Prabhakar, the TRPs of the show dipped significantly. The show was trying hard to keep up with the audience’s expectation but all in vain. Now with the probable return of Chandan on the show, things might change for the better. It is being reported that Chandan will reprise his role in the show, that of a tea vendor.
When questioned about his return on the show after the fallout, Chandan told a daily, “I am really excited to be back. Yes, I had some issues with Kapil, but we are brothers and go back a long way. Whatever happened is between us and we are mature enough to sort out our differences.” Chandan and Kapil are friends since many years now so the former letting go of the past, seems quite obvious.
Also read: Sunil Grover special to replace The Kapil Sharma Show this Sunday. Thanks to Salman Khan
There have been many reports of Sunil Grover starting a new show with Kapil’s rival Krushna Abhishek. Now that Chandan is all set to return to the show, it is left to be seen who emerges victorious in the battle.
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