The Kapil Sharma Show, which once scored high in the TRP report card, is making it to the news for all the wrong reasons. After Kapil Sharma’s infamous fight with Sunil Grover on a flight from Australia to Mumbai that led to the latter’s exit, now Navjot Singh Sidhu has not turned up for the shoot. There were news reports that Sidhu cracked a double-meaning joke in the show when Parineeti Chopra and Ayushmann Khurrana had come to promote their movie Meri Pyaari Bindu.
Sidhu, who is also a parliamentarian, joked about a fellow MP returning from loo with the zipper open, suggest media reports. Since Sidhu is much more than just a person sitting on the chair of a comedy show, this joke stirred a debate. A source int he know said that even Kapil Sharma was taken aback with Sidhu’s joke as it was not expected from a man of his stature. Even the jokes on The Kapil Sharma Show are clean.
Also read: Sunil Grover has finally made up his mind on rejoining The Kapil Sharma Show
And it looks like the joke has done more harm to the show than one could have imagined. Apparently, Navjot Singh Sidhu did not turn up for the show after this incident. An insider was quoted by a leading daily as:
Sidhuji didn’t show up for the episode we shot with Sonakshi Sinha this weekend. I think he is finding it hard to maintain his travel schedule while attending to his new responsibilities as a State Minister.
Also read: Now, Twinkle Khanna takes a dig at Kapil Sharma over Sunil Grover fiasco
Undoubtedly, Navjot Singh Sidhu’s absence from the show will be a major blow to it. We all know how Sunil Grover’s absence from the show led to falling TRPs. Sunil and Kapil’s camaraderie was one of the highlights of the show and the absence of the former has taken a toll on it. Now let us see if Sidhu ever returns to the show or not.
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