Sunil Grover is not returning to The Kapil Sharma Show. There have been numerous speculations regarding the comedian being offered another show on the channel. Now. he has finally cleared the air on the whole issue. “Yes, I have been offered new shows. But right now, I am bound by a contract with Sony. Once I am free with the commitments, I will speak on the offers,” the actor who played Dr Mashoor Gulati and Rinku Bhabhi on TKSS, told DNA.
Recently, TKSS completed 100 episodes. When asked whether he missed being on the show, Grover said he had no regrets. Expressing his love for stage shows, the comedian said a break from television has helped him to do more live gigs. “I am currently doing a live performance with Sunidhi Chauhan and the audience response is heart-warming. It is clear that I will not sit at home if I don’t do television,” he added further.
“I am happy to have been part of 92 out of 100 episodes. I carry beautiful memories of the stint and want to move on,” Grover said. Earlier, there were reports that the channel had decided to scrap The Kapil Sharma Show, and offered Grover a standalone show. However, Grover had refuted all such rumours.
Sunil Grover walked out of the show following an in-flight scuffle that took place between him and Kapil Sharma a month ago. It is alleged that Sharma under the influence of alcohol had misbehaved with Grover. Since then, he along with Chandan Prabhakar and Ali Asgar have not returned for the show. As far as TKSS is concerned, the ratings have plummetted and host Kapil Sharma is finding it extremely difficult to hold the show together.
Also read: Sunil Grover to start rival show following spat with Kapil Sharma. Here are the details
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