Divyanka Tripathi of Yeh Hai Mohabbatein fame spoke about the rising incidences of rape in the country on Twitter. She echoed the issue that most of the women in the country face in a series of tweets that the popular soap star spoke. We don’t often see TV actresses open up and talk about the contemporary issues of women, so Divyanka’s words coming at such a time are more than welcome.
Going by her tweets, it won’t be wrong to assert that she feels strongly about the issue. On Twitter when people started to argue with the actress she refused to bow down. She even suggested that people should stop voting and when faced counter-arguments, she came out with strong points.
Twitter user: Sorry but disagree here! In fact more women should vote, get educated, enter politics, administration, law & policing so things can change!
Divyanka: For what must we vote? 70 years of independence hasn’t set us free! All parties must WAKE UP NOW! Every woman deserves security!
By tagging Prime Minister Narendra Modi in her tweets, Divyanka proved she was not scared of anyone and wanted her voice to reach the most powerful person in the country. It’s common to see on social media that whenever people ask questions to the PM and his government, they are faced with a barrage of trolls. Despite being aware of this fact, Divyanka voiced her opinion, without giving two hoots about the backlash.
Also read: Divyanka Tripathi tweets to PM Modi regarding rape cases, says she is scared of having daughter
It has been highlighted that the content on Indian TV is regressive. TV has a wide reach and an immense potential to educate the general populace about the real issues of women. Rather, it is extremely sad that the soaps have shifted their gears in reverse. At the end, all TV shows come down to kitchen politics and plotting against the protagonist and more often than not, showing women in a bad light. While we don’t see progressive content on TV, it is heartening to see a leading actress from the small screen industry voice her opinion. Divyanka Tripathi has set an example for all TV actresses and we hope more of leading ladies of TV talk about issues that matter.
Also read: After Nach Baliye 8, Divyanka Tripathi bags another award–See Photos
Divyanka Tripathi has acted in serials like Yeh Hai Mohabbatein, Chintu Chinki Aur Ek Badi Si Love Story and Banoo Mei Teri Dulhann.
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