Ali Asgar, the popular comedian who stepped out of The Kapil Sharma Show recently dubbed for Despicable Me 3. He spoke his heart out while sharing the dubbing experience and also revealed why he left TKSS. He left alongside Sunil Grover and Chandan Prabhakar. The actor has been keeping himself busy with Sunil Grover new comedy show also shot a special episode for Salman Khan’s Tubelight.
Speaking about parting ways with TKSS at the screening of Hollywood film Despicable Me 3, Asgar told agencies “I left the show because of creative differences between him and Kapil Sharma. I really miss that show. It was unfortunate, but there are sometimes when you have to take certain kind of decisions.”
The popular comedian also said, “we worked there for the longest period of time, but after a certain point, there was a time when I felt that I should move from the show because I had creative differences with Kapil and his team.”
“My character wasn’t going anywhere and it was becoming stagnant and I felt there was no scope for creative improvement.”
Asked whether he has any grudges against Kapil, Ali said,”why should I have any grudges against him? We only had professional creative differences with each other. I have nothing personal against him. I learned a lot from Kapil in terms of timing. We had some good memories on the show.”
Sharing his dubbing experience in Despicable Me 3 Asgar said, “acting and dubbing both are difficult. I am dubbing for the animated series for the first time. I did dubbing for this for almost seven days. ”
“I am dubbing in Punjabi accent in this series so it was difficult for me to dub in typical animated Punjabi voice, but I really had fun working on it because for an actor it’s a great exercise.”
“I am doing dubbing for men’s voice after a long time because, for almost 4 years, I was creating a voice of female characters in my previous shows so, I really hope that audience like my efforts.”
Ali will next be seen alongside Sunil on a new show on Sony Entertainment Television. Speaking about his new show, Asgar said: “my next show is not creatively locked yet, there is still time, but we are working on it and if it happens people will be able to see all of us again on small screen.”
“Salman and Sohail Khan did a lot of fun on the show. The gigs were good and I hope the audience will have a great time watching it,” Ali added.
–With IANS inputs–
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