Iranian actress Mandana Karimi recently got married to her boyfriend Gaurav Gupta as per the Hindu tradition and rituals on Sunday. Mandana who ruled the hearts of many with her antics at the Bigg Boss house earlier had a court marriage with her boyfriend Gaurav Gupta. The Bigg Boss 9 contestant who was dating Gaurav decided to settle down with him in January.
Post the court marriage, the actress decided to give a sweet surprise to all her fans by celebrating the occasion in a grand way. Mandana recently celebrated her mehendi and sangeet ceremony with great vigour and excitement. And now the fresh pictures of her marriage are out on the social media.
Right after the conclusion of Bigg Boss 9, Mandana and Gaurav dated for a brief period of time. The actress was spotted quite a many times with Gaurav and her Instagram account was a perfect example to show how truly they love each other. It seems that it was only in December that they decided to take their relationship to the next level. The two decided to take the legal way and they got married in a court in January. Her sangeet and mehendi ceremony was a dreamy affair.
It seems that it was only in December that they decided to take their relationship to the next level. The two decided to take the legal way and they got married in a court in January. Her sangeet and mehendi ceremony was a dreamy affair.
It seems that it was only in December that they decided to take their relationship to the next level. The two decided to take the legal way and they got married in a court in January. Her sangeet and mehendi ceremony was a dreamy affair. The actress tied the knot with her long time boyfriend Gaurav Gupta and the wedding pictures are out. Check out the video:
The couple’s celebration was a star-studded affair with many from the Indian TV fraternity and Bollywood celebs came to bless Mandana and Gaurav.
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