Preeti Simoes, who is the creative director of The Kapil Sharma Show, has dismissed the rumours of joining hands with Sunil Grover for a new show. Ever since the fallout between Sunil Grover and Kapil Sharma came to the fore, there were strong rumours that Simoes would quit TKSS and join hands with Grover.
“They are not at all true,” Simoes told Indian Express website. When asked if she was quitting TKSS as well, she replied that it should not matter to anyone as she was no longer a celebrity. However, Simoes said she was on a break.
It is no denying the fact that The Kapil Sharma Show is witnessing the toughest times. The show’s host Kapil Sharma has been finding it extremely difficult to sustain the viewership. On the other hand, Sunil Grover along with Chandan Prabhakar and Ali Asgar have not returned for the shoot. Few days ago, Sharma had to cancel the shoot within 10 minutes of it going on the floors. There are speculations that TKSS might go off air once the contract expires in April.
Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover were allegedly involved in a brawl on board the flight from Melbourne to Mumbai. It was reported that Kapil Sharma in an inebriated state verbally and physically abused Grover. Since then, Grover who plays Dr Mashoor Gulati and Rinku Bhabhi on the show, has not turned up for the shooting. Sharma did apologise to him on Twitter, but the latter retorted by advising him to stop behaving like God.
Also read: Has Kapil Sharma’s close aide Preeti Simoes joined hands with Sunil Grover for new show?
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