Sunil Grover and Kapil Sharma’s infamous fight is still a hot topic of discussion among all and each day something new adds on to the story. Recently, there were rumours that Sunil Grover will come back to The Kapil Sharma Show. It is also being said that he took this decision after the makers of the show offered an increased pay package to him.
But putting all the rumours to rest, Sunil has clarified that he is not joining the team of TKSS. The actor took to Twitter on Wednesday and wrote: My intentions are to act and to entertain with dignity. For me, money can’t be the only reason to do something, or not to do something.
The incident took place last month when a drunk Kapil misbehaved and abused Grover while the whole team was returning to Mumbai after a show in Australia. This is not the first time that the rumours of Sunil coming back to the show have made headlines and the actor has made it clear every single time that his dignity and self-respect is above all.
In fact, comedian Raju Srivastava, who was trying to be the peacemaker between the two, also confirmed that Sunil is determined to not come back on the show ever, as he is deeply hurt by what happened with him. Recently, Sunil Grover did his first live show in Delhi after his ugly spat with Kapil Sharma and the show was super hit.
In one of his interviews, Sunil also said that he will now focus more on live shows. He also tweeted: My heart has only one prayer today… Dear God do whatever is right for me.
Well, now when is clear that Sunil is not coming back to The Kapil Sharma Show, we hope to see him soon on-screen with his very own new and interesting show.
Here’s what he tweeted:
My intentions are to act and to entertain with dignity. For me, money can’t be the only reason to do something, or not to do something.
— Sunil Grover (@WhoSunilGrover) April 5, 2017
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