Bigg Boss is a popular reality TV show in north India and it was hosted by celebrities like Amitabh Bachchan, Sanjay Dutt and Salman Khan among others. Now for the Tamil version of the show, Southern superstar Kamal Haasan will be seen hosting the show. But what grabbed our eyeballs was the show’s set worth over Rs. 1 crore which is being constructed for the popular reality show.
“A lavish house set on a budget of over Rs. 1 crore is being constructed at EVP theme park. The team is busy preparing the participants’ list of 15 members, including two cricketers. The first season of the show will be aired from June 18 on Vijay TV,” a source from the unit told IANS.
On taking up the role of the show’s host, Haasan said in a statement: “When ‘Bigg Boss’ approached me to play the host, I funnily quipped, who better than me, right? All my life, I have been under a constant watch and have been judged on whatever I have done, public or private.”
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“But now, the roles are reversed, as I would stand with the audiences and watch these celebrities in the house survive this ordeal,” he added.
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Haasan, according to the source, will shoot for few episodes and then recommence work on his multi-lingual comedy film Sabash Naidu.
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(With Inputs IANS)
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