Ever since the news of Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover’s mid-air fight broke out, there have been way too many updates to keep a tab on. While a section of the media was busy judging Kapil for his so-called arrogance, the man decided to speak out once again, this time, getting to the bottom of the issue. While talking to a leading daily about his infamous fight with Sunil and alcohol addiction, Kapil made some unforgetful statements. From admitting that he started drinking heavily to accepting that he had to pay a heavy price for whatever happened in the recent past, the man, this time, made some unpretentious statements.
Before we go ahead with his latest interview, here’s a little flashback of events: The ugly fight between Sunil and Kapil that took on a flight from Melbourne to Mumbai, did a huge damage to the friendship as well as The Kapil Sharma Show. Following the uncalled for mess, Kapil did apologise to Sunil via a Facebook post, but the latter chose not to return back to the show. Following their fight, The Kapil Sharma Show‘s other co-actor Chandan Prabhakar also left the show.
Now, talking about the whole incident, Kapil said that whatever was reported earlier was grossly exaggerated and almost entirely fabricated. Here’s what he had to say:
I admit there was a problem. And I’ve paid a heavy price for it. But what was reported was grossly exaggerated and almost entirely fabricated. It was said that I asked that food be served to me first on the flight and that I got angry and I threw a shoe at Sunil. You’ve known me for some years. Do you think I am capable of such behaviour?”
Further explaining, he revealed how the whole incident affected him and his health.
It (the incident) affected me deeply. I started drinking heavily. It was so unnecessary. And so painful to me. Sunil Grover, Chandan, Ali Asgar are all my friends. How could this happen?
Talking about what forced him to stay quiet for so long, Kapil also admitted that it was his mistake to not come forward and clarify things.
When I am misunderstood I clam up. But now I realise it was a mistake to not put forward the truth. A section of the media took advantage of my silence. Painted me as an arrogant brat. All these stories of shoe-throwing and tantrums were started in a section of the digital media.
As of now, Kapil has taken a break from Sony TV’s popular show The Kapil Sharma Show due to his health issue, however, the comedian has promised to come back with ‘full force’ (*eagerly looking forward*). On the work front, he will next be seen in Firangi.
(Source: Hindustan Times)
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