Ace comedian Kapil Sharm’s are excited over the news that Kapil Sharma has finally found love. After showing his liking for Bollywood actresses on his show, especially Deepika Padukone, Kapil took to his social media account to announce his love for his girlfriend Ginni aka Ginni Chatrath. Along with the picture of the two, the actor ensured to write a long romantic post for Ginni to express his love for her.
Here is what the long note said, “Will not say she is my better half .. she completes me .. love u ginni .. please welcome her .. I love her so much:)” Since the news broke, people are surfing the net to get all the details about the mysterious girl who stole Kapil’s heart. For starters, it is being said that Kapil is already engaged to Ginni. However, there has been no official confirmation from the actor himself.
Both Kapil and Ginni Chatrath have worked together in the past. Their friendship dates back to the college days in Punjab. Both studied together in the same college and since then their relationship has gone stronger. Despite being linked with his co-star Sumona and creative head Preeti Simoes, Kapil and Ginni’s relationship stayed rock solid.
Ginni and Kapil both were standup comedians in the college and this led to their bond become stronger. Later on, they participated together in a competition titled Hass Baliye. Though they did not win the competition, Ginni surely won Kapil’s attention.
Ginni has done MBA and is currently helping her father in the business. She stays with her family in Jalandhar. If everything goes as per the plans, She will soon join Kapil’s production house K9 Productions. She will become an important member of the production house after marriage.
The actor who has always remained tight-lipped in the past made his fans go all crazy with his revelation. Here are a few pictures of Ginni Chatrath:
Also read: In pics: Kapil Sharma introduces his girlfriend Ginni to the world with a super romantic post!
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