Comedian Kapil Sharma, who is busy shooting for the upcoming episode of his popular television show The Kapil Sharma Show, was rushed to a hospital after complaining of uneasiness. He was admitted to a hospital in Andheri at 4 pm. Reportedly, he was shooting for the upcoming episode with Paresh Rawal. The actor is said to be stable, however, Kapil is not yet discharged from the hospital.
According to a leading daily report, a source close to him informed that as soon Kapil complained that he is not feeling well, he was rushed to a hospital. “Kapil was admitted to a hospital in Andheri at 4 pm today after he complained of uneasiness. It is a blood pressure related problem. It is a result of the back-to-back shooting,”
Meanwhile, confirming Kapil Sharma’s condition, his co-star Kiku Sharda said that he is fine now and there’s nothing to worry.
Kapil, who is known for inviting celebrity guests on his show reportedly shooting with Paresh Rawal. Paresh, who is gearing up for his next Guest Iin London is on a promotional spree. Soon after Kapil complained about his health, the shooting of the episode was cancelled.
Recently, Kapil embroiled into a controversy over his ugly fight with The Kapil Sharma Show co-star Sunil Grover. Kapil allegedly assaulted and abused him in an inebriated state while on a flight. Following which Sunil refused to work with Kapil.
Also Read: Huma Qureshi and Saqib Saleem’s sibling chemistry was adorable on The Kapil Sharma Show
Meanwhile, recently speculation was rife that because of the dropping TRPs of The Kapil Sharma Show, the channel has decided to replace it with Salman Khan’s Dus Ka Dum. However, as the Sultan actor is busy with his other works commitments, Dus Ka Dum has been postponed to next year giving Kapil a sigh of relief.
Also Read: Salman Khan’s Dus Ka Dum postponed to next year. Should Kapil Sharma be happy?
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