Amitabh Bachchan is back with the most loved quiz show in India – Kaun Banega Crorepati. The ninth season of this massive followed reality TV show started this Monday, 28 September, and seems that it has made its fans quite happy. No one would disagree that KBC is a platform for people to talk about issues that are dear to their heart. A woman named Archana from Uttar Pradesh, who owns a cyber cafe, used the opportunity to talk about sexism which is deeply rooted in the Indian society.
Archana highlighted how, even though men have the freedom to choose their life partners, women have to marry a person chosen by her family members. Archana emphasized that this custom had been going on for generations now and not many people did anything to change it. Archana gave her own example and said that when she spoke about this to her family, she was termed as ‘badtameez’.
Even megastar Amitabh Bachchan weighed into the conversation and said, “Shaadi byaah ke maamle me ladke se poochte hain ki kaun sin ladki pasand hai, par ladkiyon de nai poochte.” This loosely translated to how women are not given a choice to decide on their partners.
Also read: Amitabh Bachchan and KBC are back with a bang but I miss the ‘phone a friend’ lifeline badly
As sad as this sounds, this conversation between Big B and Archana bares the reality of society. Archana further added,
Earlier women did hard work but now they opt for smart work. But that doesn’t mean they are not working, it is just that they have aced the craft of saving time. Why aren’t women given the same freedom? We are also their kids and it is not fair to marry us off to anyone you like. I have revolted against it in my home and will always stand up for what’s right.
Also read: Amitabh Bachchan speaks on the Triple Talaq verdict and how KBC is empowering girls all over
It is really nice to see a common woman voice her opinion on real issues. Sitting in front of the living legend Amitabh Bachchan and talking about such important issues is not a joke. Archana needs to be lauded for her efforts.
Before KBC aired, Amitabh Bachchan had said that the show gave him an opportunity to talk to women and understand the problems they faced in their everyday lives. He had said,
On the show, I get to know stories about young girls, who face resistance at home to study further or work. Like there was this girl, whose father wanted her to just get married, and then she earned Rs 25 lakh on the show and she went back to her father and showed him the cheque. So, it is inspiring to see such girls. I did a film, Pink, where we showed how girls defy norms imposed on them by the society
Well, the way Archana spoke about her opinion on the show, is an example of how KBC has been empowering women.
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