The Kapil Sharma- Sunil Grover fight has become the hot topic in tinsel vile. With many people condemning Kapil’s behaviour, his arch-rival Krushna Abhishek has come out in his support. While speaking to a leading daily, Krushna said everything Kapil did these days is blown out of proportion. Taking Kapil’s side, Krushna said his fight with Sunil Grover was something which happened between two friends and there was nothing unusual about it.
Krushna has been at loggerheads with Kapil for quite some time now. When Kapil had an ugly fallout with Colors, the channel roped in Krushna for its comedy show. Post this, there was a lot of exchange of words between Kapil and Krushna. When the TRPs of the Krushna Abhishek’s show started dipping, the fact that unseating Kapil is next to impossible became a writing on the wall.
But, now Krushna coming in defence of Kapil tells he might be ready to iron out the differences. Speaking on the ongoing row, Sunil said it is untrue that success has not got into Kapil’s head. Krushna said he has been working with Kapil for five years and he knew his good and bad points.
Citing Sunil and Kapil’s friendship, Krushna said stuff like these happened between friends. Praising Kapil, Krushna added his show was a success and he took each of his team members with him. He also said Sunil had quit Kapil’s show earlier but that didn’t hinder their relationship. Krushna added:
As I said, two friends can fight after drinking, on the sets, on creative issues, on a dinner table or at home and there’s nothing unusual about it.
Also read: Dear Kapil Sharma, your comedy show will not be the same without Dr Mashoor Gulati aka Sunil Grover
Well, now that Krushna has come out in Kapil’s defence let us see what path this controversy takes. Kapil Sharma had said he would talk to Sunil Grover when questioned about the latter leaving The Kapil Sharma Show.
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