Even after Sunil Grover has made it clear that he will not be returning to The Kapil Sharma Show ever, it looks like the makers are not ready to give up on convincing him. After Raju Srivastava, comedian Sunil Pal recently tried to break the ice between the two and posted a long emotional video on Facebook, requesting him to come back on the show.
It all started when last month, a drunk Kapil misbehaved and abused Sunil Grover when the team was returning to Mumbai after a show in Australia. The controversy became a hot topic and is still grabbing the limelight for all the negative reasons.
From Kapil Sharma’s public apology to Sunil Grover’s continuous denial of coming back to TKSS, a lot has happened in the past few days. As the TRPs of The Kapil Sharma Show are going down rapidly because of Grover’s absence, troubles are only growing bigger for Kapil with every passing day.
If rumours are to be believed then in an attempt to get Grover back on the show, Sony channel has now offered a ‘no interaction with Kapil’ clause to him. In fact, it was being said that the makers have also offered him an increased pay, but Grover is in no mood to compromise.
In an interview with DNA, a source revealed that Sunil has a contract with the channel owing to which he just can’t leave like that. So the actor has asked the channel to utilise him in their other shows, as Sunil doesn’t want to be on TKSS. He further added: ”Sunil has been told that if he comes back his interaction with Kapil will be minimum or not at all. In the meantime, they have also told Kapil to mend bridges with Sunil.”
Well, we really hope that Sunil comes up with the right decision soon.
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