Manveer Gujjar has won the season 10 of controversial reality TV show—Bigg Boss. The final contestants running in the race to win the trophy this year were Manu Punjabi, Lopamudra Raut and Gurbani Judge apart from Manveer. While Manu opted to leave the show willingly by accepting Rs 10 lakh offered by Bigg Boss, it was a fierce battle between Bani and Manveer in the end.
Why is Manveer’s win so important
Manveer Gujjar represented common men inside the house. This was for the first time that the show’s format witnessed a huge change of inviting an aam admi as contestants inside the house. Not everyone from the aam admi team made for a nice experience in BB10. There were names like Priyanka Jagga and Swami Om who paved the way to add all kinds of filth in the show. However, Manveer Gujjar emerged like a silver lining in the house.
Why Manveer won the show
It wasn’t just the common men factor that worked in the favour of Manveer. But the kind of personality the man himself is in real life was evidently visible in the show and that precisely contributed the maximum to his win. Manveer made sure not to hide things about his past. He clearly stated things about his family background and how he shares a bitter relationship with his father. He didn’t fake himself. Being honest was his best quality. From day one, he didn’t shy away from his ‘desi-ness‘ and instead flaunted it like a gem in his crown. He told Lopamudra the first day itself how people in his village would react if she walks in wearing the gown she was at that time.
Also read: Bigg Boss 10 grand finale photos: When Hrithik Roshan and Salman Khan made the show memorable
More than anything else, Manveer appeared like an emotional human being and the one who just never stopped himself from pouring out those emotions. He played the game from his heart. He thanked Bigg Boss. He went down on his knees to thank the audience who voted for him. His innocence could be seen throughout the show. Not only the audience but the former Bigg Boss contestants and the celebs, too agreed to see Manveer winning the show. How? Because the emotional connect that Manveer had built with everyone outside and inside the house worked until the end.
Manveer didn’t only win Bigg Boss 10 and the prize money of Rs 40 lakh, but also memories and tons of respect.
Also read: Bigg Boss 10 winner: Manveer Gujjar wins the trophy and Rs 40 lakh, beats Bani J and Lopamudra Raut
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